BackUp Maker

BackUp Maker
Version history
Edition comparison
Important notes
Main window
Main menu
Backup Wizard
File selection
Filter options
Execution interval
Execution warranty
Backup type
Extended settings
Security settings
Procedure before/after backup
Split backup
Target directory
Backup name
Restore Wizard
Files list
Order & support

Topic: Main menu

The BackUp Maker main menu is situated immediately below the program's title bar in the main window, slightly to the right.

Menu: Program

Option: Minimize

Shrinks the application window. To expand it again, click on the diskette icon in the system try (by default it is the icon next to the system clock, in the bottom right corner of your screen).

Option: Exit

Closes the application window and quits the application. This removes the application from the RAM. No further automatic backups are performed. If you wish to make use of the automatic backup function, make sure you minimize the window, instead of closing it!

Menu: Configuration

Option: Settings

Opens BackUp Maker's Configuration Wizard. For more details on this, go to the topic on Configuration.

Option: Export

Saves the program settings and the jobs you have set up in the form of a Registry export (.reg file). To re-load these settings, open the Registry export through Windows Explorer (for example), and select the Import command. BackUp Maker should not be running during the import operation (ensure that the diskette icon is not in the system tray).

Menu: CD/DVD

Option: Erase CD/DVD

This option has a submenu listing all available CD and DVD burners. Select the burner where you have inserted the re-writable data carrier that you wish to erase.

Menu: Update

Option: Open wizard

Launches BackUp Makers Update wizard. This wizard allows you to update your application to the latest version. Click on the Check button in the wizard, in order to see if there is a later version available. If yes, start the download process by clicking on the Download button.

Option: Notify automatically

When this option is enabled, BackUp Maker automatically notifies you when a new version is available.

Menu: Help

Option: Help

Invokes BackUp Maker's help system. Alternatively, press the F1 key on your keyboard to access the Help.

Option: Info

Displays information about the current version of the program.

Copyright ⌐ 2002-2007
ASCOMP Software GmbH,